In America, if you want an abortion, and you can afford the cash for it, you are allowed to do so. It is NOT against the law!
If, on the other hand, you believe abortion to be wrong, and do not wish to have one, or have one you love have one and can convince her not to do so, then you are free not to do so.
It isn't murder, because there are no human victims. It isn't genocide.
Obviously, there are different beliefs about when life begins, based on different faiths and doctrines. The Bible defines life as beginning at "breath." (Strangely, Christian fundamentalists who want to outlaw abortion are ignoring the Bible on this point.) The Roman Catholic Church officially says it is at conception. Some Protestants believe it is at viability. Judaic teachings place it at birth.
But there can only be one legal definition of the beginning of life (pertaining to a given set of circumstances). So some people's faith is always bound to differ from the legal definition. It is important, therefore, that the legal definition respect and accommodate a range of beliefs.
That doesn't mean everyone is going to agree about other people's actions. But it allows each individual to act according to her own conscience, within the scope where we reasonably differ. After all, which is of overriding moral importance: agreeing with another's actions or living one's own life according to one's conscience?
The Supreme Court defined the beginning of life as first breath. This definition respects and accommodates individual convictions and faith. It allows a strict Catholic, for example, to choose not to elect abortion. It accommodates both those who regard the embryo as inviolable and those who reserve the option of abortion.
Once again, I would ask this question, and I do wish I could get an answer to it - if you thought the Republican and Conservative politicians cared about abortion, why in the world did they not do something to end it over the course of the many years they had a working majority in our Congress?Before the Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973, an estimated 1.2 million women obtained illegal abortions annually.
And women died from unsafe, illegal abortions. Women bled to death. Women died from unsterilized conditions, died of massive infections. Women died and women were maimed. Each year, thousands of wives and daughters, mothers and aunts, perished from botched illegal abortions.
This is another area where pro-choice is truly pro-life: pro-woman's life. Pro-choicers ardently care about this tragic and needless loss of women's lives.Anti-choicers ought not fool themselves into thinking that they will "convert" people to their view.